The best thing of creating Laser and having a shop in Barcelona is, without a doubt, all the people we meet through it. By claiming a lifestyle throughtout our brand it's not a surprise that people who's interested in our product are also people we have a lot in common with. This way, it happened that many clients became friends, as in Ibai's case. We perfectly remember him, newly moved to Barcelona, coming to our shop to buy a t-shirt for his girlfriend Blanca and not resisting in buying the same for himself. (We have to admit we love it when couples wear matching outfits or the same color combinations... yeah, call us cheesy!)
Laser represents who we are and so that happens with our friends. It's really funny to end up having a similiar wardrobe and running into the same clothes unintentionally. Once, while having dinner together, we talked about this idea of doing a bowling in a girl versus boys match. It was when Ibai offered himself to capture this event through his point and shoot camera and so here's the result:
Ibai was born in Vitoria, in the Basque Country, and moved to Barcelona last Summer. This chemical engineer made us fall in love with his photography, that seems to offer a perfect distillation of sensations.
Although we met him doing mostly portraits, he says his passion started with empy streets, infinite vanishing points and a phone camera as a way to capture those lonely places.
During our talk he makes reference to his childhood memories, remembering a constant use of a compact camera he used to take everywhere.
As he got older he bought himself a digital camera and fell in love with taking portraits, being able to get the essence of someone, so he hasn't stop since then :)
Regarding analog photography, it all started during a visit to Encants, (Barcelona's famous flea market) when he bought a Yashica Fx3 Super2000. By that time, Ibai was going through a process that many photographers experience: shooting uncontrollably, doing unlimited retouch and in general, the excessive consumption of digital image. In his own words "I wanted pictures that had moments who were worth it", so a 35mm film, with its 36 exposures must have been the solution!
Since then, Ibai decided to pay more attention to his artistic vocation studying corporative portrait and fashion photography, and between his two lifes he has also found a place to distillate us.